Single apartment
28,5 hum2 / one room plus kitchen / house 1939 designed by architects Hilding Ekelund and Martti Välikangas / Olympiakylä, Käpylä, Helsinki
Originally the house and the whole residential area of Olympiakylä (Olympia village) was designed and built to be accommodation for the visiting athletes from abroad. Because of the war the Olympic games were moved from the year 1940 to 1952 and so the Olympiakylä was never used for its original use. In this renovation of a single apartment, the main goals were compactness, good functionality, a spacious atmosphere despite of few square meters and a high quality finish. A compact kitchen includes a dishwasher, combination of convection oven and microwave-oven, a domino size glass-ceramic stove and a refrigerator with freezer. Keynotes in interior design style were Finnishness, the original spirit of Olympiakylä, conciseness, lightness and functionalism.